Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Rat Tail!

It is true, Addy has a little rat tail! It is pretty funny and the cutest rat tail I have ever seen! Her hair is just really growing in that one spot. I never thought I would say that my child has a "sweet rat tail!"

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Holidays


The holidays were a busy time. Thanksgiving we were here in SL but, we flew up to Olympia for Christmas on Christmas Eve. We had so much fun. Addy was baby Jesus in the Nativity with the Bigelow kids. We were able to just relax and rest while in Olympia so that was nice. We played a lot of Rock Band because we were literally stuck at home from all the snow. They don't have plows! It is amazing to me especially because I am so used to plows! Anyway...Addy is growing bigger each day! We tried putting her in the johnny jump up but it was just a little too big but, she is wanting to sit up on her own but isn't quite there. She is talking all the time while sucking on her fingers (which we are trying to stop..) but it is the cutest thing! Brad is continuing to like ALSCO and I love being with my Addy girl at home!