Monday, November 8, 2010


Before the Trunk or Treat at church--ready to go with her pumpkin!

At Eden's birthday party getting her crown!

Grabbing the candy and running as fast as she can!!

The girls at Eden's birthday
My cute Belle with her earrings and everything!

This year I was working on Halloween so it wasn't too exciting but Brad took Addy to the Trunk or Treat and came home with a load of candy! Addy was Belle this year, thanks to Eden having a princess birthday party it made it easy to figure out what she wanted to be! Addy is growing up like crazy I can't believe where the time goes?!
Fall has been so nice here in Missouri, I can't complain! Today was over 70 degrees but it is very dry. We haven't had rain for awhile! We found a fun little mexican restaurant downtown that we love, we are feeling more at home here and are grateful for this beautiful weather we have been having! It makes all the difference when you can go outside more than once a day!:)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Addy is 2!

I guess she has been watching to much football with Brad lately, I found her in the closet trying on all his gear and giving me the crinkled nose !

Addy on her 2nd Birthday

We can't believe it was 2 years ago on Sept.11th (I know I'm a little behind!) that Addy came into our lives! We have loved just about every minute with her! She is not a sleeper so that was hard but she is just fine now! Addy is growing like crazy and we love her phrases that she has been saying, here are some just to name a few:

*"I did it, mommy!"
*"I love you mommy, daddy!"
*"Whats that?"
*"I hungry"
*"Hold you!"(its when she wants to be held)
*"Justin Bieber"
*Addy Potty or Addy computer
*Yo Gabba gabba

Addy also loves singing songs, she can't sing every word but just about. I will get it on video one of these days! Songs she loves:

*Twinkle, twinkle little star
*I am like a Star
*Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam
*Popcorn popping
*I love you, you love me! **This is her favorite,she can sing the most words in this one
*Justin Bieber's Baby (this is why she says justin bieber b/c she wants us to play his song!)

We are loving this stage she is in, she is so much fun! She makes us laugh everyday and she loves to have fun and sing and dance! We love you Addy girl!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

August Travels

The sad Foofa Cake! In Utah we gave Addy a Yo Gabba Gabba b-day party and my Mom and I attempted to make an amazing cake. It looked great at first and then it slowly went down hill and by the end of the night it was falling apart. So we had Addy blow the candles before it completely fell over but at least she was blowing them out and not scared of the thing!!

Addy loved her cousin Everett!

We were able to go to Idaho and see Brad's fam. Addy loved it there because she got to play with her cousins! We went to jackson hole for a day and it was beautiful! I remember it being a lot bigger but I liked the small town feel.

Addy showing us what Kohl the dog does during his walk!
With Papa walking Kohl
Brandon and I saw Remi at the Provo Temple!
This is the Place State Park

Brandon and Addy petting little lamb

We have been having a great end of summer blast! That is the nice thing about Brad being in school is that we have 3 week breaks 3x a year so we get to see family and friends! So... we just got back from Utah and Idaho. Addy and I went while Brad was in finals so we just hung out with family! The highlight was going to the petting zoo at This is the Place Park! They have a huge area where you can walk around and touch the sheep, lamb and goats. There are also bunnies, pigs, donkeys and horses on the outside, Addy loves animals so this was a GREAT idea! Another highlight that week was Brandon and I went down to Provo to see Remington in the temple. We thought it might help boost his spirits and it did. It didn't make him home sick it only helped him to keep going! He is now on his way to Portland until he gets his visa to go to Brazil! Another highlight was being around our dog Kohl. Everyday Addy would wake up and say,"Walk Kohlie, Papa come!" She loved being around Kohl and wanted to walk him everyday- she even caught onto his actions by lifting up her leg on the trees just like Kohl! Haha!

Friday, August 13, 2010

5 years!

It has been 5 wonderful years that Brad and I have been married!(it was officially yesterday but I missed the blogging part!) It has been wonderful and we have had some really great adventures! It doesn't feel that long, I guess you just stay busy and time flies! I am grateful for B and how amazing he is! I love him more each day and right now being in school isn't the greatest but we know we have to stay strong and it will go by fast then we can move on with our lives!! I just wanted you all to know how wonderful my husband is that he made me a nice hard cover book of the past 6 1/4 years we have been together and it was so nice! We are loving our lives and can't wait for the future but I can't believe it could get any better!

Friday, July 16, 2010

addy dancing

We had fun at a bbq which was held at B's school and Addy and this cute boy were dancing to the music. This was only a little bit because when Justin Beiber came on she went nuts! warning: ( I was holding the camera so it is a little shaky!)

Addy is definitely growing up and talking like crazy! It is so fun to hear her talk and my favorite is when she says, "hot pockets!" We were watching it on youtube and I highly recommend it, its hilarious by jim gafigan. anyway, Addy also sings twinkle, twinkle little star with me and she loves going to the pool. She loves the water slide and she thinks she is big enough to go out into the water without Brad or I so, I guess it is starting already she is like her dad! She thinks she can do just about anything on her own! We love you Add!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

June in Utah

Addy and cousin JR
Addy and I had a great time in Utah! Brad was in the middle of midterms so it was perfect for us to go. We were able to spend some extra time with Rem before he left on his mission because he didn't get his visa and there was no room in Provo for him so that was a great surprise! Addy loved "Wemy!" The weather was perfect and there was no humidity! Awesome! Can you tell I don't really like the humidity? It really is NOT fun but we are getting through it.It was a lot of fun to see Addy and JR together. She loved him and especially helping put his binki in so I am very grateful I do not have another baby because I really don't think I'd be able to handle it! JR would smile when Addy was around, they are cute! I really didn't want to leave and after 2 wonderful weeks I was slapped in the face with a horror trip home. Read below for details.....
When it came time to leave it was really sad, I felt like I could have stayed at least another week! And there was a sign that maybe I should have! We got to the airport and ON the airplane when they told us Denver (that is where we had to stop b4 ST.louis) was having a bad storm and tornados in the area! Just my luck! So we got off the plane and 3 hours later got back on! This is not an easy task with a 22 month old who just runs everywhere! The flight was supposed to be a little over an hour but of course we had to circle before landing which made it about 2 hours! (Not fun when you have to go pee so bad while entertaining a toddler!)When we got to Denver we were supposed to leave within 45 min. to St.Louis and of course it turned into2 1/2 hours! It was horrible, I was so sick of the moving sidewalks that I was going to scream. Well, it doesn't end there.....our plane came but they said they had to give it to the San Antonio passengers who had been waiting longer so we waited for another plane got on it and there were electric issues!! Yes I was crying by this point. So we got off that plane and waited 30 min. for another plane and then finally left! We cruised home usually is a little over 2 hours to st.louis and it only took us 1 1/2 hrs. so that was good! But, it was 2 am by this time and I had the biggest headache of my life. All in all it was about a 12 hour ordeal by the time we got home! It was a nightmare and I don't think I want to ever fly through Denver again! But I feel like I can conquer anything now because I was all by myself with Addy and I just didnt know how I was going to make it but I did -so I feel very proud!!

Up in Millcreek canyon and Addy loved s'mores:)

Just cooking more food! I have never eaten so bad, awesome!
Addy loved playing soccer and having an actual backyard to play in!
In her swimsuit and of course carrying baby
Grandma Bobbi got a water flower which she did like a little
At the gateway fountain! She loved running through it
This was the best pic we could get with rem
Addy loved taking Kohl for walks with Papa
Addy also loved looking out the window and talking to people
More of the fountain and just getting her feet wet
She loved having the towel around her, she didn't take it off all night
Making some phone calls with papa
Riding Beckhams car, which she loved! Thanks mimi!
Feeding kohl with grandma
With aunt katie, uncle brandon, and rem on our last day!
The Plewe kids---I love them so much! miss you lots!
Thanks for the fun 2 weeks! I loved seeing friends and being introduced to "Top it!" Thanks Paige, I love it and will go everytime now! Rem has now entered the MTC, so exciting for him and I would just love to see him in Brazil because pretty sure he will be the only red head!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Chesterfield is Heating up!

It is getting hot here! I don't know how people live here because I love my summer nights and it just does not cool off and it is only June and I hear July is worse. Oh well we are good! Addy keeps us entertained! She loves to say "cheese" to the camera except, as you can tell it looks more like she is growling at us or something but I promise she is smiling! She loves her back pack and her purse right now and of course her baby but I just got pics of her "packpack" She is saying lots of two words together so I think sentences will be coming very soon! Yeah! The communication is sometimes not so great but she is loads of fun, I love this stage she is in! Brad is really into school right now because he has got a lot of tough classes so we are proud of him for pushing through! Check out the bottom pics he decided to shave a rat tail! Yes, I know I made him cut it the next day but he wanted to try and brighten his friends days because they are not having too much fun right now! Enjoy!

Addy say cheese but not too hard!
Brad re-landscaped the front of the trailer! Not to shabby!
Oh the rat tail!
It was this mullet before the rat tail
The rib festival---soo hott!
Addy's back pack! Thanks to uncle ry and aunt laurel
B and Addy in front of the rib festival
Addy's first Ice cream cone! lions choice-14 cents!
She was trying to grab the camera so thats the best pic I could get in her cute dress from grandma Sue