Sunday, September 27, 2009

the Trailer Life

I just have to share our story. So the other day Brad and I were smelling this funky smell and we kinda just went about our everyday duties and forgot about it but then by the next day it was BAD! Brad came home for lunch and I said I think its got to be something dead in the oven. He said, " The oven?" and I said, " Yeah that is where the smell is coming from !" So, Brad took the oven out and started to unscrew it. Now this is an old, old oven so you can look down the sides and see the insulation. Well.... I was back in the bathroom and I hear ,"yep there is a tail!" I thought you have got to be kidding me! There was a dead mouse in our oven! It had crawled up from the bottom and was behind the switches where you turn the burners on. It was so sick because he had tried to chew the wires and they shocked him and he died! So we decided to get rid of the whole oven and get a new one! There was mouse poop behind it and it was just sick! I guess the mouse just wanted to welcome us into the trailer park.... oh the trailer life is so much fun :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Addy is One!

Addy turned one on September 11! I can not believe it, the time has really flown by! She is walking all over the place even though its from one end of the trailer to the other she could go all day. We love her so much and she truly brings joy into our lives everyday. This past weekend she decided to take everything out of the cupboards and make herself at home. It was so funny I got pics but need to download them so her new hang out place is the cupboards. And she loves taking all of her toys out of the baskets and sitting in the baskets. She is too funny to watch! We love her!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

We made it to Missouri!

I know I havent written anything for awhile but now that we are away from everyone I promise to be better! So we finally made it to Chesterfield, Missouri! We are happy to be here because we have had so many car problems we really didnt know what would happen but our car didn't break down until after we got here so that was good and we found out our wires were all fried and anyways it is all fixed and hopefully no more problems for awhile!!! So I have put pictures up of our great trailer. I know I cant bellieve that we actually live here in this mobile park but, it is in such a great location we couldnt pass it up. I know you are all jealous! Brads school is 3 minutes away and so is Target, Michaels, Walmart, Sams club, Home Depot, Five Guys, yes the list goes on an on. We have so many stores and shops around us we feel like we can deal with the trailer for 3 1/2 years. Brad starts school next week so that will give us more time to get settled. We have painted almost the whole trailer we still need to paint our bathroom but it is feeling more like home. It really feels like an apartment until you walk outside and see the trailer hitch on the front of the trailer or as the train goes by behind us the whole trailer shakes and then we are reminded we are in a trailer! Brad and I just laugh and ask "How did we get here again?" We went to church and we feel like the ward is going to be great for us! Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the pics, words can't describe this place!