Friday, January 22, 2010

Winter Time

We had so much fun in Salt Lake and Olympia for the holidays! It was great seeing family. At my parents house Addy loved the clementines (pic above) she threw them all over the place! Santa visited us and brought Addy lots of fun new toys which we had to ship home. It was great to be with Brad and be lazy. Addy was able to play with her cousins in Oly and they had lots of fun running around and we found out that Addy loves to be in her diaper and no clothes. As soon as I would go to change her she was up and running everywhere.....hilarious! She is full of energy that is why I liked having help around for the holidays now we are back to the entertaining her all day! When we got back to good old Missouri it was freezing cold and so we bundle Addy up and off we went. She loved the childrens museum...her favorite thing were the balls, she loves to throw them. Addy loves to get in our closet and wear our shoes. In the pic above she had found not only my shoes but my hat as well, I think she will like playing dress up! Addy doesn't want me at the computer anymore so off I go for another day but we had lots of fun and hope the cold will go away soon. We are getting sick of inside play!