Thursday, October 6, 2011

Update for the past 8 months!

Addy's 3rd birthday with her Belle cake

Brad's 30th birthday at the park
Feeding the ducks
Addy in her summer gear, filling up the pool
Addy loves to dress up--she is a girly girl!
In the Chicago Zoo with the skyline behind us

I have been a major slacker! I will be honest, blogging is not my thing! I will update you on the lastest so I won't bore you all! Brad turned 30! and Addy turned 3! Two big birthdays! Brad started student clinic so that means we are getting closer to graduation! We were in Salt Lake for 3 weeks in August and it was so nice to see friends and be with family! The summer was very hot here in Missouri so we really didn't do much, it was too hot to be outside and not much inside so we were miserable! We were happy to go to Utah and feel the dry heat. We loved going up the mountains and roasting marshmallows! We were able to go up to Chicago which we loved. It was a very fun city and we even got to go to a Cubs game!
Addy is growing up a lot! She is at a very fun age! She started preschool twice a week and LOVES it. I love that she is playing on her own and her favorite is being a princess. She still loves to color and is getting very good! She is a typical 3 year old and definitely throws her tantrums but is great as long as she stays busy. My favorite is when she sings! She loves to sing and catches on very fast to songs....she loves princess songs! My other favorite thing...she is completely potty trained! yeah! no more diapers, not even at night!! So nice.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

An inspirational story of vulnerability and overcoming adversity
thanks for having the courage to share

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